Surgical Pouch is a revolutionary sterile services product that offers an alternative to outdated, unsustainable and inefficient medical methods.
Surgical Pouch has been developed with SSD departments having the specific aim to improve the safety of sterilized surgical instruments. The durability of the product minimises the risk of a pouch being torn resulting in a cancelled operation. Being a polymer material the maximum pore size of the material can be bubble tested to ensure there is no breathable pore larger than 0.2 Micron, guaranteeing its Bio-Barrier properties.
Historically, sterile service departments have used at least two wraps to ensure a torturous route for any pathogen traversing the material with the intension of stopping them reaching the instruments. This meant the inner wrap was not guaranteed to be free from pathogens after being stored post-autoclaving.

This is a problem when this inner wrap is used as a sterile field beneath the instruments in theatres, the risk associated with postoperative infections.
The Surgical Pouch design and its guaranteed pore size means it is a far more effective bio-barrier than a standard wrap, ensuring the inner wrap will remain sterile and provide a secure sterile field within theatres.
This was the main driver in developing the Surgical Pouch, however during development we realised additional benefits for the NHS. The pouch is reusable and can be washed and autoclaved repeatedly hugely reducing material costs for the sterile services departments by more than 50%.
Sliding an instrument basket into a pouch and clipping each end is a far quicker process than wrapping and taping an instrument basket. This has had a significant effect on reducing the burden for Sterile Services staff.